Crom Carmichael Discusses the Politicization of the COVID Vaccine and Government Run Education


Live from Music Row Wednesday morning on The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. –  host Leahy welcomed the original all-star panelist Crom Carmichael to the studio.

During the second hour, Carmichael outlined the politicization of the COVID-19 vaccine which some have suggested servicing Blacks and Latino’s as top priority over Whites 75 years and older. He later discussed Joe Biden’s recent Secretary of Education nod Miguel Cardona of Connecticut whose state is on a fast decline downward.

(Dr. Anthony Fauci clip plays)

The fundamental reason for getting leaders of the country vaccinated because it really is a security issue. I mean, obviously, you want to make sure that it’s equitably distributed according to the suggestions and the recommendations of the advisory committees and the CDC. But you really have to understand you want to keep the government intact and that’s the reason why you do vaccinate in a priority setting.

Leahy: So obviously, you know Anthony Fauci, you know, very interested in the vaccine. Took less than a year. Nation’s leaders need to be taking it. Joe Biden taking it Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez took it, you know, she’s like 30 years old. And she went to the front of the line because she said it was a national security issue.

Carmichael: That she needs to be vaccinated?

Leahy: No, she claimed it was a national security issue.

Carmichael: Well, what’s interesting to me is all the politics involved in the discussion. Because what was the left has claimed that people over 75 are too White. Which by the way raises another question with a potential Biden presidency. But the claim is that and the people are 75 or the ones who are most at risk. So the CDC went and did their pretzel maneuver before they finally came down and said, okay people who are at risk over 75 should get it. Not people over 65, but people over 75.

So they went over the thing. Then you had people who said well people in prison need to get it and they and they base that based on minorities. But the problem is that only a third of the prison population is Black. Two-thirds of the population is not Black. So now the now you have this question of what you have this finite number of vaccines to give. And you have some people who are saying that Black people need to be at the front of the line. So my question is when you go into a prison, do you vaccinate only Black people first?

Leahy: You know Ayanna Pressley part of the gang, she wants that.

Carmichael: She’s what I’m talking about.

Leahy: She wants prisoners to get it first before you know White Americans over 75.

Carmichael: But my question, is there a lot of white prisoners. Does she want White prisoners to get it at the same time instead of people who are at risk over 75? Because there are two issues here. One is distribution. But the other is there’s a finite number of vaccination doses.

Leahy: Yeah.

Carmichael: There’s a finite number. So how do you divide that up? And you’re seeing government “at work” and how it’s thinking about this because it’s not thinking about it from the standpoint of what’s necessarily best. They’re all of these political forces, which is the point I’m trying to make here. This is why the government doesn’t work very well.

So you need to limit the government on what it does. For example, we’re going talking about in the future if Biden is what I believe is the next president. If he is the next president, he will be an illegitimate next president. But he’s still the president. And he will be inaugurated. And so we’ll have an illegitimate president sitting in the Oval Office and he’ll be picking people.

Leahy: And they’ll be illegitimate.

Carmichael: And they’ll be illegitimate but they’ll have powers. And in education what we see in this country is the media who is probably is the most distrusted institution in the country now. And deservedly so.

Leahy: Deservedly so. And they lie. They outright lie and cover-up.

Carmichael: What they’ve become is ideological partisan fanatics. and it’s important that we include all of those things because you can be an ideological fanatic and you can tell the truth. But you can’t be an ideological partisan fanatic and tell the truth you just can’t do that. And so you’ve got the media. then the second-worst institution is K through 12 education. And that’s because it is it fails. It gets all this money and it fails. And so this is what we should be discussing because under Biden K-12 education is going to actually get even worse.

Leahy: And it’s going to get worse very fast.

Carmichael: Yes.

Leahy: That’s hard to imagine that it would get worse. And he’s apparently picking for the new secretary of education this guy out of Connecticut. His name is Miguel Cardona. He’s 45 years old and his big accomplishment Crom is…

Carmichael: No, his big accomplishment is he’s Hispanic.

Leahy: Yes.

Carmichael: That’s the reason he’s picked. He checks that box. Now. What else has he done?

Leahy: He is requiring in the state of Connecticut that as required learning for every student Black studies and Latino studies should be part of it.

Carmichael: And Connecticut’s economy is doing how?

Leahy: Going down the tubes.

Carmichael: Really? Even though this great person has forced the high schools to teach these courses that he thinks will help society? But yet Connecticut is going down the tubes?

Leahy: Totally going down the tubes. He also is focused on English as a second language, achievement gaps, and school desegregation. These are important issues. What I’m not seeing is anything here about reading writing and arithmetic or anything about civics. And by the way, a state from which we’ve never had a student participate in our Constitution Bee is Connecticut.

Carmichael: Well, you’re going to have other states now that probably don’t have anybody qualified have to compete. but it’s really sad for low-income kids. And Biden will fight charter schools.

Leahy: It’s already out there.

Carmichael: They’ll do everything to fight those things. A person that says a family that’s poor and Black should not have a chance to select among competing schools. Someone who says they should not have that right is racist. Period.

Leahy: Absolutely.

Carmichael: And they should be called out as such. And it’s the worst form of racism because it’s destroying that person’s possibilities for their entire life opportunities to advance.

Leahy: Yes. Absolutely.

Listen to the full second hour here:

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Tune in weekdays from 5:00 – 8:00 a.m. to the Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy on Talk Radio 98.3 FM WLAC 1510. Listen online at iHeart Radio. 











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